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Canvas is used to post materials needed for class. This could range from notes, study guides, review games, videos and articles for class. This is an excellent place to find out when upcoming assignments and tests are due. Each student has access to Canvas and can find all class materials there. 


Within the physical classroom, I have a whiteboard that is devoted to the weeks agenda. The top section is what we will be doing in class (day to day activities). The bottom section is what is assigned or due. Each week I will post a picture of this plan board on Canvas. BE ADVISED! THE PLAN MAY CHANGE! While I have an plan, sometimes life happens and we need to make changes to allow for reteaching, more/less time on a topic or lab. So the plan board is subject to change and I WILL NOT repost a picture for each change I make, BUT your student will be made aware of the changes in class. 


Absent students: If a student is absent this is the first place for a student/parent to go to find assignments/class notes. 

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